Getting to Alta Badia

Find the right route to get to your destination easily.

By train, bus, car or aeroplane

Comfortable arrival and eco-friendly travelling on site

You are ready to set up, the suitcases are in the car and the whole family is waiting to go, now all you have to do is activate the sat nav and ... No, wait! Dolomiti Superski has put together the right itinerary for you so that you can reach your holiday destination quickly, stress-free, without queues while making a small contribution to the environment. Whether by car, bus, train or plane: all roads lead to Alta Badia!

What else would you like to know before starting your winter holiday? But of course: the weather! Click on the webcam link to immediately get an idea of the conditions that await you in our mountains. Don't waste any more time and book now. The Alta Badia ski area is waiting for you!
